Lightweight integration


This document covers a lightweight integration guide to get the MVP of Ascend up and running.


These are the core resources required to build out the MVP.

InsuredRepresents the individual or business.
ProgramRepresents a collection of billables and encapsulates a session for each checkout.
BillableRepresents the premium & fees that represent a quote/policy or endorsement.
CoverageTypeRepresents the business line or coverage of the quote/policy. Required to create a billable.
CarriersRepresents a carrier. Required to create a quote/policy.
WholesalersRepresents a wholesaler or MGA. Optional to create a quote/policy.

Integration Guide

Steps to build out a simple integrated experience through the dashboard.


Please note, all API calls require the following headers:

  1. Accept: application/json
  2. Content-Type: application/json
  3. Authorization: Bearer {token}


Please note, you should have received the API token via email. If you require it again: please reach out to [email protected]

Mapping Wholesalers/Carriers

Before you get started, Ascend requires both wholesalers & carriers to create checkout links. These are static entities therefore if you work with a limited set of wholesalers or carriers you can store or map the ids provided in this section.

  1. Fetch Carriers: Fetch all the carriers using this endpoint. Store the identifier attribute to use in the next section.
    1. Here’s a test identifier you can use for testing purposes in the next step: acuity
  2. Fetch Wholesalers: Fetch the wholesalers or MGAs using this endpoint. Store the identifier attribute to use in the next section.
    1. Here’s a test identifier you can use for testing purposes in the next step: rt_specialty


Note that if you are unable to find the carrier/wholesaler with the above endpoints - you can request them at [email protected]. Sandbox has a subset of production carriers/wholesalers.

Steps to Create Checkout

  1. Create an /insured.
    1. Once created, you will need for the next step.
  2. Create a /program
    1. Create a /program
      1. Store or cache the following attributes from the response:
        1. Once created, you will need for the next steps.
        2. You might also want to store in memory or cache program_url which is your session URL.
      2. Some notes on parameters during this call:
        1. return_url: Set this to determine the back behavior when user exits the session.
        2. success_callback_url: Set this url to determine the redirect that happens post successful checkout.
  3. Create 1 or many /billables:
    1. Create 1 or many billables as needed with all the required parameters using the program_id from the previous steps.
    2. For wholesaler_id & carrier_id you can use the ones from the section above.
  4. Use the program_url from step 2 as the session URL for your CTA/button which should have the checkout session ready to go.